The album "The Balance of Power. A Cold War Adventure " has been published, end of October, (the English version of "Het Bedreigde Evenwicht" by Gilbert Declercq and Bert De Craene, translated by KU Leuven researchers Jan Cumps and Jack McMartin).
The album and the original drawings are exhibited at NATO headquarters, Léopold III Laan, 1110 Brussels from 8 to 15 November 2019. The exhibition has been inaugurated by NATO ambassador Pascal Heyman. The curator of the exhibition is Hervé Claeys.
Here under from left to right Jan cumps: translator, Pascal Heyman: ambasador, Bert Decraene: scenariowriter, Gilbert Declercq: cartoonist, Hervé Claeys: curator.
This exhibition was a great success: several countries showed an interest in this comic - a typical Belgian product with a very actual content!
The comic was also presented at the book fair in Antwerp and is available at the beter comic store
Pictures of the inauguration you can find here.
An exposition about migrants ...
Why do people migrate, before and today? How try they to reach their destination country? Burning cities, warplanes, war scenes, misery and hardship, but also exploration of natural phenomena are discussed. Drawings, illustrations, cartoons and paintings by Gilbert Declercq leave a deep impression.
Gilbert and the exhibition haven been mentioned in the newsletter of the Society of Illustrators USA. Newsletter Society of Illustrators
In the January edition of the "stripgids" an article has been published on the exhibition of Gilbert in the Belgium senate. The article, you can find here.
The local TV station AVS made a documentory on the exhibition of Gilbert. The footage you can find here: AVS reportage
A number of pictures of this unique exhibition, with among many others the visit of Jean-Claude Junker President of the European Commission, you can find here.
Gilbert and his work have been mentioned by the Chairman of the Belgium Senate Mrs. Christine Defraigne on the occasian of "Human Migration" on March 8 2017, the International Women's Day. The footage of this event you can find here.
Gilbert Declercq is exposing in Galerie De Wandelgangen Stationsstraat 20 Nevele- Landegem. The inauguration was on March 4th 2016 from 8pm until 10pm. The inauguration was introduced by Mr. Hervé Claeys. The exposition takes place from March 4th until April 24th. The poster and some pictures you find on this link. the documentary made by the local TV AVS on this event you can find on this link.
Gilbert's exhibition is extensively described by Piet De Baets in the journal Taptoe:
On Saturday September 26, 2015 in the Karmelietenklooster in Ghent, Burgstraat 46, the publication Langs wegen van licht will be presented, including work by Gilbert Declercq.
Gilbert Declercq has been selected for De 17de Biënnale van de Hedendaagse Kunst in het Kasteel van Poeke (October 2nd to 11th 2015).
"Een koffer vol hoop" Museumschip Cap San Diego Hamburg |
For many years the museum ship Cap San Diego in Hamburg has presented a Permanent exhibition "Ein Koffer voller Hoffnung" Recently Gilbert has been contacted by the captain because the comic was out of stock.. Below: Gilbert interviewed by the NDR television at the occasion of the inauguration of this exhibition. Recent photographs of this exhibition are to found on this link. |
This exhibition is not only to be seen in Hamburg, but also ran for a few months on Ellis island NY in the exhibition "Migration". There you could find a fragment from the English version of the strip. "A suitcase packed with hope" |
American Society of Illustrators |
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This museum may be considered as the treasury of American illustrative art. It contains work of the greatest American illustrators. As far as we know, Gilbert Declercq is the only living Belgian artist who is a member of the Society, and also the only Belgian artist ever to have been offered space at this illustrious company. At three occasions Gilbert has had the opportunity to exhibit the works mentioned below. . |
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2013 "Strips in Originelen" in the Loketten van het Vlaams Parlement |
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This exhibition was inaugurated by the president of the Vlaams Parlement, Jan Peumans. Curator was Jan Hoet. Raoul Servais was welcomed as guest of honour. |
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Drieluik tentoonstelling "Gilbert Declercq" Galerij Simon Steven Brugge |
XIII Biennale del Aquarello Albignasego Padova Italië |
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Apart from the Biënnale exhibition Gilbert Declercq also had a work in the permanent collection of the museum |
"Stripeljee" |
Stripeljee (Wezemaal, Belgium), a library specialized in comics, offers a choice of about 15.000 comics. Libraries in the surrounding area are welcome to make use of the ‘strip suitcase’ (a suitcase with a selection of strips available to both schools and libraries). It is an initiative that runs in cooperation with the province of Vlaams-Brabant. So far twelve libraries have been making use of it. Recently, following his generous gift of strips to the library, Gilbert Declercq’s work has been spotlighted. |
Vyncke - Van Eyck Nederkouter 37 Gent |
Inaugural address by Hofrat Dr. Alwin Westerhof, Cultural Attaché at the Austrian Embassy in Brussels |
Nationaal scheepvaart museum Antwerpen Binnenvaart 19de en 20ste eeuw |
Museum Leon Desmet St. Martens Latem |
Innsbruck |
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"Kunstig gestript" Works of comic strip artists Temse |
International triënnale for aquarelle art |
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Institut Européen de l"aquarelle Galerie Becker Luxemburg |
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The Mall Galleries (Londen,England) 1982 |
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